Last night I dreamt that I was annointed to be a Pastor. It was all very exciting, but I didn't know what my role as Pastor would be. I went to my Pastor's office to ask but he was busy with other people, so I arranged a hike up Bishop's peak with a bunch of kids. I brought a bunch of adult chaperones with me and every once in a while, some of the kids got tired. I said that it was okay for them to stop and wait where they were with a chaperone until the rest of us came back. At the top, I talked to the kids that were left, that they were not to think less of the kids who didn't make it up to the top. God gives us different abilities and we are responsible for using them to their limits and to being obedient. Those kids are waiting for us to return patiently and whatever they lack in ability, they make up for in faith. The ones who stopped sooner have to wait longer for us to return than the ones who stopped later. If it were me, I would rather work to get to the top than have to wait for a long time. We went back down the mountain, collecting small groups of kids as we went, and when we came down, the kids parents had gathered to pick them up. Some of them were worried about us climbing a mountain, but after talking with their kids, had peace about it. It was a weird dream, a bit unusal since most of my dreams involve a bit more action than a nature hike. No one died in this dream, no fighting took place. Just a little complaining and look at that, a moral.
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