I wish I was dreaming... oh wait, I am.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I had a dream last night that an old man came to me for help. I was in charge of this walled town back in the old west. It was kinda like a fort, but non-military. I ran it with my militia. He said that he was being chased by this guy in a bowler. He didn't call him that, but I don't remember his name. The guy in the bowler had a militia of his own and we ended up shooting it out. My milita was better, and we were beating them, but the old man went out to confront the man in the bowler. He said something (I was too far away, shooting other people) that I couldn't hear, but the man in the bowler got scared, then mad, and drew a gun on the old man. I took aim with my rifle and shot his bowler off. He got scared and fell down in his confusion. The old man took the gun and shot the man who previously wore a bowler several times in the head. I realized that he was evil, and that this whole little battle was planned so he could have his revenge on the bowler man. My men and men on the other side were dying needlessly. So I shot the old man.


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