I wish I was dreaming... oh wait, I am.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Last night, I had a dream that I was on a boat. We were filming a video
for something and I was the camera man and a kid was talking. He was
probably about eight or nine with blond spiky hair. Then this guy
started talking to him and I thought it was his father, but the kid was
really scared and kept backing up. Before he realized, he fell through
the railing and into the water. Now the boat had two decks. The top one
was dry, but the bottom one was sunder water. Perhaps the boat was
sinking, or something I don't know. But the sky was dark and the waves
were high. It took me a second to realize what was happening, and two
people already dove after him. Neither of which were the man I thought
to be his father. The people who jumped in were also children, although
older than the one who fell and nobody else on the deck moved. I put my
camera down, removed my shoes and jumped in myself. The water was cold
and I don't like getting wet, but I knew the two people who jumped in
were not big enough to complete the rescue on their own. They did get
the kid and were swimming towards me hen I resurfaced after my jump. I
swam below the kid and pushed him straight up so that he could reach
the ladder on the side. I did the same with the other two before
climbing back up myself.


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